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Chinese Women Dating Guide

Chinese Women Dating Guide
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The stigmatization of binational relationships and marriages and the restricting homogeneous policy in China have quite an interesting side effect. Now, dating foreigners is even somewhat prestigious. A lot of Chinese girls start dating foreign guys despite local guys struggling to find a girlfriend (which, by the way, is also the result of the one-child policy). 

So, an American or a guy from another country has a real chance to start a relationship with a girl from China. But what dating a Chinese woman is really like? That’s exactly what we’re going to discuss here. 

Top Chinese dating sites in 2024

Dating sites are the obvious answer to how to date a Chinese woman in 2024. Online dating is increasingly popular among overworked Chinese ladies, making international relationships possible. Let’s see what the best Chinese dating sites have to offer.

Best Choice

1. SakuraDate

SakuraDate scrin

SakuraDate is a popular Chinese girl dating site with over 600K monthly visits. It prioritizes serious relationships and marriage, making compatible connections easier through flexible search filters. 

You can set over a dozen parameters to match your preferences to narrow down the dating pool. Besides, dating profiles are pretty intense, with many personal details and public and private photos. 

Live chat is premium, so you’ll need credits (from $0.2/credit) to swap messages, photos, videos, or audio files. There’s also mail for when you can’t line up your schedules because of the time difference. SakuraDate is definitely worth a try, especially since registration and basic functionality are free, and new members get a 20-credit bonus to test premium tools.

2. EasternHoneys


With nearly 500K monthly visits, EasternHoney is a cross between a dating site and a social media platform. Its Newsfeed is a major draw, letting you scroll through the latest photos endlessly and enjoy single Asian beauties. 

And once you find the one you like best, you can add her to your favorites and send her a wink or a message. EasternHoneys supports mail and live chat, complete with media messages, emojis, and stickers.

Full disclosure: EasternHoneys is only free for girls. Guys need to buy credits to unlock private photos, chat, or send virtual or real gifts. But you can sign up and set up a dating profile for free and test premium functionality with bonus credits.

3. NaomiDate


NaomiDate may be the smallest of the three dating sites, with only 100K monthly visits, but it’s just as likely to produce a compatible match. Aside from the advanced search with 15 filters, NaomiDate uses a flexible swiping tool to generate matches. Besides, you don’t have to contact anyone right away; you can just add their profiles to a list of favorites.

And when you do decide to get in touch, you’ll have a choice between real-time chat and mail, both of which can include photos, videos, and audio messages. Although private communication is only available to paying members, newcomers can test it with bonus credits.

The portrait of a Chinese woman

The good news is that dating a Chinese woman isn’t actually rocket science. But before we move on to discussing certain rules and peculiarities of Chinese dating culture, let’s talk about Chinese women themselves.

Why is that important? It will help you develop more realistic expectations even if we are not able to avoid all generalizations.  

So, what are Chinese women like: 

  • Quite innocent, wonderful, and a bit naive. These are the key ingredients to that unique Chinese charm. The thing is Chinese culture is less open in the sense that people don’t usually discuss everything from sex to politics so freely. That impacts locals and makes them so different from most Westerners. 
  • Very feminine. That’s just still a cultural standard. There’s not as much diversity in China as in the US, Europe, Canada, and Australia in terms of views of gender roles, fashion styles, hairstyles, and stuff like that. There’s a golden standard of femininity, and most local girls try to meet it. 
  • Very traditional, partially traditional, or almost fully Westernized. These are the three main groups of women in many Asian countries (related to customs only, of course; there are thousands of unique individuals). Girls from the first category are often from smaller towns and rural China, and they follow all the old gender rules. Partially traditional people seek more modernity in life and in relationships, but they still don’t mind distributing roles in a more old-fashioned manner. Girls from the last category are always from big cities and they often refuse to obey the rules that the previous generation has followed.
  • Hard-working. We’d like to avoid stereotypical thinking here. Chinese women do know what they want and are ready to work hard to achieve their goals, but it doesn’t mean that they will sacrifice everything for their education and future work. Most are rather good at maintaining that work-life balance.

What to expect when dating a Chinese woman? Now you can imagine the person you can meet in this country. 

Let’s say you like what you see. How to find Chinese women for marriage or at least legit girls for dating? There are a few schemes and one most effective algorithm, so read on. 

Step-by-step process of getting a Chinese girlfriend

Step-by-step process of getting a Chinese girlfriend

Usually, men seeking partners in other countries can just search for someone interesting on Facebook and Instagram, chat, get to know the person better, and if everything goes right, meet a girl in real life. 

It’s not that simple with China. Instagram and Facebook are blocked, but niche websites designed for meeting and dating Chinese women aren’t. Still, you need a good strategy to avoid mistakes and money losses, and we have one for you. Consider the recommendations and feel free to adapt and improve certain steps based on your specific goals and preferences. 

1. Find the right dating platform

First of all, it must be a site available to both Chinese singles and foreigners. Ideally, it must be a niche dating site that was designed for Asians and Westerners — such platforms are big enough, available globally, and not too pricey.  This may be a mail-order bride site that accepts only Asian women looking for marriage or a site that accepts Asians and Westerners with different relationship goals. 

How to find it? here’s a simple scheme: 

  1. Find at least 5 sites that meet your basic criteria and have the right target audience. 
  2. Search for some basic background information on each, see ratings and scores, and exclude poor-quality and scam websites. 
  3. Focus on the 3 best options and learn more about their prices, features, profiles, and members (either from reviews or from your own deep research). 
  4. Compare the remaining two best options and choose the site that will best suit your needs. 

Don’t just choose the first random site you see on search results after googling ‘Chinese women dating online’. Do research, and the deeper it is, the better.

2. Set up an account and make your profile work

That’s an obvious yet very significant step, and you can’t even imagine how many people ignore its importance. You’ll need to attract a Chinese woman. Dating sites won’t do it for you. So, you are recommended to: 

  1. Take a quiz or a questionnaire if any (your answers are usually used by the site’s algorithms to suggest the best matches to you). 
  2. Add your photos—not just one old picture but an album of recent high-quality photos in different clothes and different locations. 
  3. Add a video and verify your account if possible. 
  4. Write a really good self-description focusing on what your life is like and what you expect from a relationship. 

If you make enough effort and narrow your search for the best matches only (for example, by mentioning that you’re seeking a partner from China and nowhere but China), you’ll succeed faster.

3. Learn as much as possible about the system before you spend money

All good sites give you free credits or a free trial. Also, on top platforms, there are multiple free features, including search, access to profiles, winks, swiping, and more. Use your bonus money and free opportunities to see who you are going to meet on the site, test some premium features, send free winks, evaluate the potential reply rate, and then make a final decision whether to keep using the site or leave. 

4. Focus on the best matches

Usually, there are a few search features like extended search, swiping, matching, etc. Test them all and choose the best features that allow you to focus on your most compatible partners. 

Choosing this approach over random swiping definitely makes sense as men often get distracted by thousands and thousands of profiles of very attractive women. They start contacting women without reading their profiles, which results in money loss. Be a bit rational and focus on your best matches. 

5. Communicate using all the opportunities given 

Winks and likes are the best free features to start conversations, live chat or Letters work great at the early stage of communication, while the exchange of media files, phone calls, video calls, and gift delivery help build deeper emotional connections online. Test different tools, choose the most effective one, and develop your own online dating strategy. 

6. Start dating a girl online and meet her in real life

The idea is to find the most compatible partner and make things official. Then, you will just need to meet her in real life. The rest is absolutely up to you — just keep building a relationship you’ve started on the web at a distance or in the same country. 

5 things you should know before dating a Chinese girl

Want to know what to expect when dating a Chinese woman? How do you know she likes you? Let’s go over a few things you need to know to keep your relationship strong and avoid misunderstandings:

  1. She’ll ask you to go out with her friends. Don’t get fooled. It’s still a date, but many Asians feel awkward one-on-one, so group dates are pretty common, especially in the early days of a relationship.
  2. She’ll ask how much money you make early on. That’s not a sign she’s after your money. It’s because status is important in China, and knowing about your assets can affect the girl’s decision to go out with you (they are pragmatic like that).
  3. She’ll also think about marriage and children right away. With a few exceptions, Chinese girls for dating are looking for long-term partners and future fathers of their children. So don’t be surprised by how fast things get serious between you.
  4. She won’t hug or kiss you in public. Although Westernized girls are comfortable with PDA, they are still frowned upon. That’s not how Chinese girls express love. But they tend to be affectionate and caring in private.
  5. She may or may not want to split the bill. Westernized girls are more likely to pay for their half of the dinner, but traditional Chinese women will expect you to cover their share. This is your reminder not to expect every Chinese girl to reach for the bill.

If you were wondering what not to do when dating a Chinese woman, these tips should help you keep your expectations realistic and your foot out of your mouth.

Do’s and don’ts when dating Chinese women

How to date a Chinese woman? There are no strict rules, but there are some recommendations that may be really helpful for someone who’s going to build a relationship with a girl from China. What are they? Take a look at the lists.

What you can and even should do when dating a Chinese woman:
  • Be humble, don’t rush things, and try not to express your feelings too directly at the early stage of a relationship. Not only women are supposed to be a bit shy in China. 
  • Be romantic and give cute gifts from time to time. They are not supposed to be expensive, it’s all about attention. 
  • Pay attention to everything she says. All people, Chinese women included, love it when their partners are attentive and care about their emotions. 
  • Remember all the dates. Her birthday is sacred and so are all the romantic holidays.
What not to do when dating a Chinese woman?
  • Show any disrespect to China. 
  • Show any disrespect to her or her family. 
  • Express negative emotions too often, and complain about something all the time. 
  • Lie and show your unreliability in any situation. 
  • Act like a playboy and a womanizer. 

As you can see, there’s nothing truly unexpected. There are things that matter to Chinese girls more than to most women in other countries, but you have a pretty good chance to win a girl’s heart if you just act normal and treat her with love and respect. 

Meet a Chinese woman now

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Liping, 23
Hangzhou, China
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Yali Bai, 37
Chengdu, China
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Chao Zhen Zhang, 44
Dongguan, China
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Gan, 52
Fushun, China
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Li Li, 53
Harbin, China
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Zheyu, 21
Nanning, China
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Ziyuan, 22
Beijing, China
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Li Wang, 27
Chongqing, China
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Challenges in dating Chinese women

Of course, dating someone from another culture can’t just be an easy ride all the time, 24/7. There will be challenges you’ll need to overcome, and they are the most likely to be as follows: 

  1. Long-distance thing. You’ll need to go through it anyway if, of course, you aren’t going to migrate to China or date a woman who’s already migrated to your country. It may be tough, but if you make plans together and make enough effort to be part of each other’s routines, it’s likely to work out. 
  2. Language barriers. It takes time to learn or improve your knowledge of a foreign language. At this stage, there’ll be misunderstandings and difficulties in expressing thoughts. Just be patient, and you’ll be able to go through it. 
  3. Relationships with a family. The opinions of parents matter a lot to Chinese people. Some of them, however, may be rather conservative, so if you aren’t so lucky and your mother- and father-in-law will be rather skeptical about you, you’ll need to make an effort to change their impression or to maintain a more or less normal relationship. 
  4. Cultural and religious differences. There’ll be a lot of them. You’ll notice them on holidays, when it’s time to raise children, at the dinner table, etc. 

These are the challenges that almost all international couples face, but most overcome them quite easily. Again, patience, ability, and desire to listen to each other and compromise if necessary, as well as mutual respect at large, help cope with all the difficulties. 

Stories of successful relationships

Li and Fred
Li and Fred

I just divorced my wife and thought about changing something in my life. Everyone said I should give myself time after the divorce. But me and my ex generally got along pretty well and no one left another person heartbroken, so I thought these were just exaggerations. The time has proven I wasn’t wrong. Long story short, I joined one of the Asian dating sites. I wasn’t initially looking for someone from China. To be honest, I had no knowledge of culture or history (watching Mulan with my kid once obviously wasn’t enough) and I just thought of Chinese people as smart hot weirdos. But a cute woman messaged me and we started chatting. I was focused more on a Thai girl at the time, but me and my now-wife kept chatting from time to time. 

A Thai girl broke with me one day, and that was quite a trashy story, I told it to Li. She supported me and at that moment, we, like, built a legit connection. It took me 2 months to come to China. It took 3 more trips to propose. We’ve been waiting for a visa for a year, but now, we are finally happy together. Life is full of surprises. You never know where your soulmate is from and whether you’ll eat french fries or kung pao chicken more frequently. 

Where to date Chinese women in China

Dating in China as a foreigner is easier than you think. For one, girls are more likely to agree to a date than in the US or the EU. In addition, there are lots of great date destinations. Here are a few ideas to explore:

  • Tai chi, frisbee, and other activities in local parks. Check out WeChat channels for local groups and upcoming events, and choose something you both might like. It’s cheaper than a dinner date. It will also let you have some fun together without being one-on-one, which, as we’ve learned, is important when you’re just starting your relationship and don’t know how to date a Chinese girl without spooking her.
  • Temples, like The Tibetan Temple in Beijing. Access is typically free, and the gardens are gorgeous any time of the year. You can stroll through the grounds, feed the koi, and ask your date about her favorite Chinese beliefs and traditions. Showing interest in Chinese culture will win you brownie points.
  • Festivals, like the Moon Festival in September. The biggest festivals are held in most cities. There are lanterns, street food (i.e., mooncakes), games, and carnivals. Besides, festivals usually last several days, and you can join festivities in different locations throughout the city. It’s a great way to make positive memories together and feel more connected to Chinese culture.


Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list of good date ideas in China. There are shopping districts to go window shopping, tea houses to experience traditional ceremonies, and music clubs to explore if you love dancing. 

Recap of key points

So, let’s sum everything up and focus on the key facts and moments: 

  1. Today, quite many Chinese girls consider and start relationships with foreigners. 
  2. Most meet their partners online, most frequently on niche dating websites for Asians and Westerners. 
  3. Chinese women are rightly considered to be very physically attractive, a bit naive, feminine, smart, and hard-working, but they may be more or less traditional. 
  4. If you want to meet a Chinese girl, you’ll need the right site, a competitive profile, and a good custom strategy. 

Yes, there are likely to be challenges to overcome, but if you do like Chinese women, it may be worth it.

Yang Li
Author and Expert
Hi! I’m Yang Li, an author and dating expert at My goal is to help people find Asian soulmates and stay happy. I have extensive experience in relationship psychology and Asian dating culture. I know how to help men and women realize themselves through online dating.
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